Global Traceability Center

The Global Traceability Center is led by the local government, co-built and co-used by regulatory authorities. Various social organizations are taking part in this project. With the basic principle of "Co-building, sharing, true, safe, open, and convenient", the Center is a decentralized public infrastructure for the digital economy that is equally open to international governments, enterprises and consumers. The Global Traceability Center, through segmented collection and graded use of data from the entire life cycle of commodities, establishes a consensus on rules, standards, and legal rights and responsibilities of behavior. The Center also transforms commodity information into data production materials with the technical means of digital contracts. By doing so, the Center realizes efficient and low-cost information sharing. It facilitates regional digital governance, industry digitization, and digital industrialization, promotes the flow of goods, trade facilitation and rights maintenance, providing new solutions for global digital governance in the new era.

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