Buddha’s Light of the Wei and Tang Dynasties

From April 28th to August 28th, 2020, the grand exhibition "Buddha's Light of the Wei and Tang Dynasties-- The Essence of cultural relics from Longmen Grottoes" was presented in Guangdong Museum. This exhibition is the first gathering of 85 exquisite cultural relics of Longmen Grottoes, among which 8 are national treasures returned from overseas. The carving of the Longmen Grottoes began in the Northern Wei Dynasty when Emperor Xiao wen moved the capital to Luoyang (493 A.D.), and continued throughout the Northern Wei, Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Qi, Sui, Tang and Northern Song dynasties. The most prosperous period was from the end of the 5th century to the middle of the 8th century, representing the highest level of Chinese grottoes art. There are 2,345 existing caves and niches, nearly 110,000 statues, over 2,800 inscriptions, and more than 70 stupas in the Longmen Grottoes, which are famous at home and abroad for their big quantities, large scale, diverse themes, exquisiteness of the carvings, and the profound meaning found within these sculptures. In 2000, the Longmen Grottoes site was added to the World Heritage List By UNESCO and highly praised by the World Heritage Committee: ”The Grottoes and Niches of Longmen represent the largest and most outstanding plastic arts from the late of Northern Wei and Tang dynasties (493-907). ACEVEL provides the focusable track light TL0015 and projection light Shooter TL0020 for this exhibition. With its clear and soft light, the focusable track lights build an emotional bridge between the audience and history, exploring the secrets of Longmen Grottoes. The shooter TL0020 adjusted its shape of the light based on the shape and size of the exhibits. The neat and clear light cut makes the exhibits spectacular by themselves, presenting the beauty and grandeur of Longmen Grottoes as much as possible, leading the audience to experience the beautiful statues in the Northern Wei Dynasty, watch the rich and beautiful Tang Dynasty Buddha statue, and understand the restoration process of mottled historical sites.

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